Valve has allowed the "bulk" of games with AI-generated content to be published on Steam

Steam has relaxed its policy regarding games created with the help of artificial intelligence. Now developers can release such games on the site, but only if certain conditions are met.

Art by c SHODAN from System Shock, created by Nightdive Studio with the help of Midjourney

When applying to publish a game, developers must tell moderators exactly how they use AI. You can publish projects with pre-generated content on Steam, as well as projects in which the AI generates content in real time right during the passage of the game (unless these are adult games).

The developers must ensure that the generated content does not violate copyrights, is not illegal and corresponds to the advertising of the game. If the content is created in real time, developers are also required to explain how they restrict AI so that it does not generate illegal content.

A note will appear on the game's Steam page that the game was created using AI. Users of the site will be able to complain about illegal content in those games in which it is generated during the passage.

As Valve explained, it has changed its attitude towards publishing AI games on Steam, as it has become more aware of the work of AI and the risks associated with it.

"It took us some time to figure out the situation, and we regret that this made it harder for some developers to make decisions about their games. However, we are sure that rushing to consider such a complex issue would only hurt players and developers. We will continue to study Steam games and legal progress in the field of AI. If necessary, we will reconsider this decision," Valve wrote in the announcement of the Steam rules change.

A source:

Steamworks Development
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