许多游戏行业的专家担心,他们无法存够钱退休。有人甚至认为,他们必须工作到死。对此,不论是独立开发者还是业内老兵,例如游戏设计师 乔什·索耶 (Josh Sawyer),都分享了他们的看法。
讨论始于最近由 罗伯特·莫里森 (Robert Morrison) 发的一条推特,他是 Certain Affinity 的首席动画师。 “你们计划退休吗?如果是,那是怎么规划的?”他问道。
Something I never see game dev twitter talk about is retirement. Are you planning for this? If so, how?
— Robert Morrison (@RobertAnim8er) April 12, 2021
即使是一些在知名项目中已经成名的开发者,退休前景也显得非常渺茫。其中之一就是经验丰富的游戏设计师乔什·索耶,他目前在 Obsidian 工作,并参与过 Fallout: New Vegas、冰wind谷 和 永恒之柱 的开发。
No. I don’t believe retirement will be an option for me, from a financial perspective, until I am past average life expectancy. I can’t afford to buy a house near where I work and if I became able to in 5 years, I would still be paying it off until I’m 80+.
— Josh Sawyer (@jesawyer) April 13, 2021
前 育碧 员工 查尔斯·兰德尔 (Charles Randall) 也持相同观点。 “由于大多数职位要求在房价无法靠开发者的薪资购买的城市工作,看来我将不得不工作到死,”他承认。
Would be nice to work in a field where retirement was a possibility but since most jobs require living in a place where housing is too expensive to own on a gamedev salary and jobs aren’t secure, it seems pretty likely I’ll work until I die.
— Charles ‘walk into a volcano’ Randall (@charlesrandall) April 13, 2021
不过一些开发者指出,他们在年轻时就开始考虑退休。例如,曾参与 半条命:阿利克斯 和 火境 的艺术家 杰恩·吴 (Jane Ng) 在获得第一份工作时就开设了个人退休账户。同时,缺乏学生贷款的负担也让许多专业人士的生活变得轻松。
I have always been a saver since I was a kid. So it wasn’t a big mental leap to start an IRA right away when I first got a job. I just did auto monthly transfers so I didn’t have to think. Not having student debt obviously helped and having started young reeeeaally helps
— Jane Ng (@thatJaneNg) April 14, 2021
凯蒂·哈格罗夫 (Katy Hargrove),在 华纳兄弟动画 担任3D艺术家的,她更是在中学时就开始存钱。不过,在她的情况下,主要动力更多是出于对无法存够退休日常开销的恐惧。
A deep series of fears drives me to save. I’ve aggressively saved towards retirement since I started making money in middle school. One day at work a financial advisor gave me a shocked stare and told me to “live a little”. I still don’t think I will be able to save enough.
— Katy Hargrove (@KatyHargrove) April 14, 2021
迈克·范德利登 (Maaike van der Leeden) 是 电子艺界 的一名员工,她表示公司有专门的退休基金。她每年都往这个基金里拨入工资的一部分,并且随着收入的增加而提高比例。
I have a retirement fund through work that I pay a % to, every year when my pay increases I pay more % into it depending on my pay increase, good way to pay more without noticing it. Hope is to retire at 60 and been calculating what I need + social security in mind
— Maaike (@maaikesww) April 13, 2021
“我将心甘情愿地去西方,并且依旧是约翰·埃普勒,” — 约翰·埃普勒 (John Epler), 生化危机 的叙事总监如此写道。他的推文引用了小说 《指环王》 中著名的 加拉德瑞尔 的话。
I will diminish, and go into the West, and remain John Epler.
— John Epler (@eplerjc) April 13, 2021
“希望我能成为你最喜欢的特效奶奶,也许成为独立游戏开发的老奶奶,” — 布里安娜·林赛 (Bryanna Lindsey) 在 顽皮狗 的特效主美术师如此打趣。
Become your favorite FX grandma. I hope.
Possibly indie dev grandma.
— Bryanna Lindsey (@glittervelocity) April 14, 2021
她的同事, 顽皮狗 的首席设计师 德鲁·穆雷 (Drew Murray) 也努力保持乐观。他承认,当不与他人合作时,他会感到抑郁。 “我怀疑自己会退休。……也许在70岁时放慢节奏?” — 他这样写道,并进一步说明,自18岁起他就开始存钱。
I doubt I’ll retire; I get bored if I’m not making things and depressed if I’m not working with other people. Maybe slow down at 70?
BUT I’ve been saving for retirement since 18 when I read «Wealth Without Risk»-not a great book but encouraged me to start even earning $3.35/hour.— Drew Murray (@PlaidKnuckles) April 13, 2021
这正是独立工作室 Kitsune Games 的创始人 埃玛·马森 (Emma Maassen) 所考虑的。她计算后发现,即使在38岁时每月存300美元,仍然不足以退休。
My retirement plan is to make a hit game. That’s a plan, right?
— Eniko (@Enichan) April 13, 2021