
Indie Urban Planner Thronefall Earned More than $1.5 Million in Two Months of Early Access

Thronefall is a minimalistic urban planner with elements of Tower Defense. Indie studio GrizzlyGames, consisting of only two people, shared the success of the game in a conversation with gaming expert Simon Carless.

▪️Thronefall was released to Steam Early Access on August 2, 2023. Since then, it has brought developers over $1.5 million in gross revenue.

In two months, the game sold 315 thousand copies, the percentage of returns was 6.9%;

The most sales were in China (28%), the USA (21%), Germany (9%), France (5%) and the UK (4%);

▪️36% of the audience played Thronefall for at least five hours, 14% — ten hours or more.

Based on GameDiscoverCo Plus data, Carless added that Thronefall ranked fourth in the number of copies sold on Steam among the games that appeared in the store in August. It was outpaced only by Armored Core VI, Wayfinder and Sunkenland.

"Recently, we have seen more and more premium games focused primarily on gameplay, priced at less than $10 (note, Thronefall costs $7, in Russia — 280 rubles). The best of them sell well because ... players like an accessible, but at the same time deep and fascinating gameplay," Carless summed up.

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