WN Media Group is hosting an AI conference in the United States. The program has already been published

Generative AI For Business, a conference on working with neural networks and artificial intelligence, will be held in San Francisco on October 23. There are leads among the speakers Scenario.com , Luma AI, Layer AI, MongoDB, Lightspeed and many other companies.

About the event

For the second time in its history, the organizers of the WN Conference series of events will hold an event dedicated to neural networks and the possibilities of their integration into the business processes of various companies.

Generative AI For Business focuses on a wide pool of industries. The event is designed to interest both businesses engaged in enterprise solutions and those working on games, music and graphics.

More than 300 participants are expected, including founders of AI startups, technical specialists, scientists engaged in academic work on the development of neural networks, as well as AI enthusiasts.


There will be one lecture stream at the Generative AI For Business conference.

Among the key speakers, we note the following:

  • Robert Scoble is an IT blogger, author of several books about modern technologies (including AI), and a former Microsoft evangelist.
  • Moritz Baier-Lentz is a venture capitalist, head of gaming at Lightspeed Venture Partners, which has invested in Epic Games, Kongregate, Gardens Interactive and many other companies. He was twice recognized by Forbes as the most influential young financial specialist.
  • Emmanuel de Maistre is the CEO and co—founder of Scenario, one of the most prominent narrow-profile startups for generating sprite assets for video games.
  • Barkley Dai is the chief product officer at the Luma AI technology startup, capable of digitizing real objects from photographs and videos and converting them into three—dimensional models.

In addition to them, there will be specialists from Lore.com , Lucasfilm, Amber, Saana, Realitycraft and many other companies prominent in the artificial intelligence and generative neural networks market.

Other activities

In addition to the lecture part, the conference will include:

  • exhibition of AI tools (you can apply for participation in the showcase at this link);
  • pitch session with representatives of venture funds;
  • a networking session immediately after the end of the program.

Important: you can visit Generative AI For Business not only in person (as we mentioned at the beginning, it will be held in San Francisco, the venue is the Hilton Financial District Hotel, a stone's throw from the architectural dominant of the business center of the city - the 260—meter Transamerica skyscraper), but also online.

Tickets and meeting systems

The ticket price is $299. Those who cannot attend in person, but want to chat with the participants, have the opportunity to purchase an online ticket for $99. We are talking about access to the WN Hub rally system, within which you can get to know and communicate with all its participants.

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