Unity completes ‘transformational’ merger with ironSource to help devs turn their games into sustainable businesses

Unity has officially completed its merger with ironSource. While outlining its future plans, the company also addressed developers’ concerns about monetization and a possible shift to the ad business.

Unity and ironSource $4.4 billion merger is complete

In an official blog post, Unity CEO John Riccitiello called the $4.4 billion deal a “transformational” one and highlighted the impact this merger will have on the company’s business and strategy:

  • Unity will create an end-to-end-platform for mobile game developers using ironSource’s platform and expertise. This includes new tools for publishing, operating, and monetizing mobile titles;
  • The company will simplify the development process by making it more interactive and helping developers “learn what players really want, make better games and be on track for a more successful game businesses.”

It is also worth noting how Riccitiello changed his rhetoric regarding in-game monetization. Now he chooses words more carefully, using phrases like “if [developers] choose to” monetize their games or “if and when they choose to do so.”

This is in contrast to Riccitiello’s earlier statement when he called devs who shun monetization “f***ing idiots”. He later apologized for these words, saying that Unity’s mission is to help all creators succeed in the market using all available tools.

Should PC and console devs be concerned?

  • ironSource is an app monetization platform, so its features will benefit mobile game developers in the first place. Unity also remains the most popular engine for building mobile titles.
  • Following the merger, developers will get new tools to better manage in-app purchases and ads, which are the most popular monetization methods on mobile.
  • However, Riccitiello noted that Unity will remain committed to supporting and creating new features for PCs, consoles, and XR.
  • “We want to ensure that all developers, from early learners working on their first game to the largest studios in the world, can rely on us regardless of the platform they choose to deploy their games on,” he said.
  • According to Riccitiello, the merger with ironSource doesn’t mean Unity will abandon its gaming business and focus entirely on ads and monetization.
  • He said the company still wants to help developers “turn their games into sustainable businesses, if and when they choose to do so, which ironSource will help us do as they, too, are heavily focused on games.”
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