
49% of game developers said that their companies resort to the use of generative AI

According to a recent study by the Game Developers Conference (GDC) and Omdia, generative AI has become a widespread game development tool over the past year.

Almost half of the game developers they surveyed (49%) noted that their companies use generative AI. At the same time, 31% of respondents said that they personally work with him. Only 23% of developers said they were not interested in such tools.

The level of use of generative AI depends on the division of the company. For example, it is used by 44% of specialists involved in business development or finance, and 41% of specialists engaged in marketing and working with the community. At the same time, only 16% of artists and 13% of screenwriters said they use AI.

Another variable that affects the level of use of generative AI is the type of company. This type of tool is much more popular among indie developers than those who create AA or AAA products (37% vs. 21%).

In total, more than 3,000 developers were interviewed.

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