Revenue from Google Play has doubled in three months

According to App Annie’s calculations, in the first quarter of 2013, Google Play revenue increased by 90%, while the number of downloads of Google Play and the App Store were almost equal: Google Play reached 90% of the App Store level.

The top countries by downloads have changed slightly compared to the last quarter. Most of the downloads for the App Store traditionally fall on the USA, China, the UK (rose one position up), Japan (shifted from third place to fourth) and France. These five countries account for exactly half of the downloads of the entire App Store.

The top 5 on Google Play downloads looks different: the USA, South Korea, India, Russia (which is nice, rose one position up, from fifth place to fourth) and Japan (shifted one position down). Moreover, the first 4 countries, including Russia, provide 40% of downloads worldwide.

Compared to the last quarter, the gap between app stores and relative revenue has narrowed. If by the end of the fourth quarter, the Android app store earned exactly 4 times less, now due to 90% growth, the difference in profit is 2.6 times.

For both markets, most of the profit is accounted for by games, and if at the end of 2012 they accounted for 70% of revenue in general, now they are already 80%. The rest of the revenue comes from photo and video applications, educational and social programs.

For the App Store, most of this revenue comes from the USA, Japan, the UK, China (up two positions compared to last quarter, although a year ago it was only in the Top 10) and Australia (shifted from fourth to fifth place). Almost half of all App Store revenue is generated by the USA and Japan.

As for Google Play, for it, the top 5 in terms of profit looks like this: Japan, South Korea (rose up one position), the United States (shifted from second place to third), the United Kingdom and Germany. Moreover, the first three places account for 70% of the income of the entire market.

According to the results of the report, App Annie analysts do not make forecasts, but based on such dynamics, it is likely that by the next quarter the markets will be equal in downloads, and by the end of the year – in profit.

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