Russian App Store earns more than Japanese
Monthly revenue from iPad games in Russia is more than in Japan, Korea and most European countries, Newzoo and Distimo report in their joint report.
So, Newzoo and Distimo have published a list of 20 leading countries in terms of March revenue on the iPhone App Store, iPad App Store and Google Play. The main conclusions that company analysts made, based on the figures obtained, are as follows:
- Korea outstripped Japan in monthly profit on the Play Store. The USA remains in first place on iOS.
- In Russia, they spend almost 20% more on games than in Germany. According to the profit from the Apple tablet, our country ranks 6th in the world.
- China overtook the UK in revenue from gaming apps downloaded from the iPhone App Store
- Australia occupies high positions in all stores (from 4th to 6th places)
In 35 of the 44 top countries in terms of indicators, Clash of Clans occupies the first position. Candy Crush Saga leads in 10 of the top 20 countries in terms of profit, if we talk about Google PlayStore. Puzzle & Dragons is number one in all Japanese charts.
Photo on the icon: Philip Zepter