New Steam regulations prohibit links in store page descriptions

Valve has announced new guidelines for Steam store page descriptions, prohibiting the inclusion of external links in the text.

Game developers must refrain from directing users to other websites, including social media platforms since specialized link fields for these already exist on Steam.

Additionally, store descriptions are barred from linking to other Steam games or using embedded images that resemble Steam's user interface elements, such as wishlist buttons.

The new policy will affect various sections of a game's page, including 'About the game,' 'Short description,' 'Special announcements,' and 'Awards.' These changes will take effect in early September.

In a statement outlining the updates, Valve mentioned these adjustments address a growing practice where developers include links that detract from focusing on the featured game.

"We have identified an increase in store pages effectively serving as advertisements for OTHER [emphasis original] Steam store pages," Valve stated. "This often resulted in multiple other games being listed before the actual game description was presented, which is not conducive to customer experience when trying to learn about a specific game."

The company also noted these rules align with recent updates regarding demo management on Steam, such as the creation of standalone store pages.

Valve observed that many studios were publishing 'prologue' games, which caused confusion among players and necessitated the purchase of an additional appID. Developers interested in releasing prologue games can now use the demo appID for this purpose.

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