Two hentai games were among the most profitable new products in July on Steam

Steam has allowed the publication of adult games for good reason. In the top 20 of the most profitable novelties of the store for the past month, two hentai games appeared at once.

CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 It’s a Night Magic
Among such games as Wolfenstein: Youngblood and Oxygen Not Inclusive, LOVE3 -Love Cube- and CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 It’s a Night Magic got mixed up.

They were included in the list due to the high revenue in the first two weeks after the release.

Hentai games have been on this list before, but two at once – never. At the same time, it is impossible to find out the exact income of both games: Valve does not provide such data.

Both games are visual novels in anime style, writes Kotaku. On Steam, they have approximately the same number of reviews and a “Very positive” rating.

LOVE3 -Love Cube – from indie developer NEKO WORK H is distributed for 259 rubles. For the same price, the authors offer to buy DLC, which removes censorship. This is standard practice for such games.

At the same time, CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 from KISS is more expensive — already 725 rubles. It has VR support and dress-up elements (dress-up games). Interestingly, some of the content for this game was created together with NEKO WORK H, the authors of LOVE3.

Apparently, hentai games on Steam are really in great demand. One such — Mirror — was among the most highly rated Steam titles for 2018. Recall that the store allowed games with erotic content also last year.

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