Steam returned almost $4.4 million to players for the Rust game

The Steam platform issued a refund to gamers in the amount of about $ 4.4 million for the Rust survival simulator. After the purchase, more than 330 thousand people refused the game.

This was announced by the creator of Rust Harry Newman (Garry Newman) in his Twitter. He clarified that about 6% of the total number of owners refused the game.

MMO survival simulator Rust was released at the end of 2013. In March of this year, Facepunch Studios announced the sale of 5.2 million copies of Rust.

The increase in returns coincided with the summer sale on Steam, which will last from June 22 to July 5. Over the past 24 hours, she has received 205 thousand requests for refunds, which is 90% of all requests for user assistance.

For comparison, in May, the store processed about 50 thousand requests for refunds every day.

The possibility of a refund for the purchased game on Steam appeared in 2015. It allows users to cancel a purchase and refund money within two weeks, provided that they have spent less than two hours in the game.

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