A large-scale Planet of Heroes feature in the App Store gave 275 thousand downloads in 4 days

On March 9, the world iOS release of the domestic MOBA – Planet of Heroes took place. The game has received a big banner in 80 countries.

Banner in the Korean App Store
In a number of regions, including Russia, the game is being promoted at the level of last year’s Clash Royale: in addition to the main large banner, eight small banners on the main App Store page are occupied by the game at once.

Promotion of the game in Russia
From March 9, when the promotion began, to the evening of March 12, the total downloads of the project, which is being implemented in 153 countries (taking into account all formats), amounted to 275 thousand.

The game entered the Top 100 by total downloads in 67 countries, but only two in the Top 10.

The game was created by the Fast Forward Studio team, part of Mail.Ru Group, for a year and a half. Since mid-January, the game has been in the framework of the softlonch.

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