
Mojang closes Scrolls

The authors of Minecraft have announced the upcoming termination of the development and support of the card collectible game Scrolls.

Mojang закрывает Scrolls

The Echoes update released recently will be the last big content update. There will be no more new cards, although until the servers stop working, which will take place at least on July 1, 2016, the developers are going to adjust the balance.

Despite the plans to close the project, it will still be possible to purchase the game. All cash receipts will go to support the project in an active state.

In connection with all this, most likely, the appearance of the project on iOS is not worth waiting for, although, for example, the game has been available on Google Play since December last year.


Mojang explains the closure of the project by saying that “the game has reached a point beyond which it cannot develop.” However, the developers claim that the launch of the beta version of Scrolls was very successful: “tens of thousands of players fought with each other every day.”

The Western press links the closure of Scrolls with the announcement of Bethesda’s own card game at E3. The fact is that in 2012 Zenimax Media accused Mojang of violating the rights to the Elder Scrolls trademark.

Then the parties managed to agree that Mojang reserves the name of the game, but undertakes not to make competitors of Elder Scrolls series games with a similar name. The appearance of The Elder Scrolls Legends collectible card from Bethesda may invalidate the contract.


Given the lack of great success of Scrolls, both Mojang and Microsoft, which owns it today, could consider it a much more economical solution to curtail the project rather than get involved in another trial.

Sources: scrolls.comdigitalspy.co.uk

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