
5 best App2Top materials for the week (05/11/2015 - 05/17/2015)

Despite the middle of May, it’s still cool in St. Petersburg – you won’t walk much, but you can read a selection of our best materials from last week.

5 лучших материалов App2Top за неделю

Cash4app: our task is to help indie developers in promoting projects

Cash4app-nasha-zadacha-pomoshh-indi-razrabotchikam-v-prodvizhenii-proektovRecently, the Cash4app mobile developer Development Fund was launched in Russia, providing money for the promotion of ready-made projects. App2Top.ru I talked to the head of the foundation about his work.

The history of the creation of the game “Miracle Mix”: from the final chord to the bestseller

Postmortem-CHudo-Miks-ot-final-nogo-akkorda-k-bestselleruThe Ukrainian company Nika Entertainment shared with App2Top.ru the history of the development of his game in the genre of “three-in-a-row” – “Miracle Mix”.

Translation from Chinese: localization problems from Mandarin

Perevod-s-kitajskogo-problemny-e-mesta-lokalizatsii-s-mandarinskogoBased on their own experience, as well as the performance of one of the presidents of Reality Squared Games, the Russian company 101XP is specially designed for App2Top.ru I have prepared a material about solving the most pressing problems when translating from Chinese.

Interview: Creative Mobile has published the iOS version of Nitro Nation Online

Interv-yu-Creative-Mobile-opublikovala-iOS-versiyu-Nitro-Nation-OnlineAlmost a year after the release of Nitro Nation Online, the iOS version of the game was released on Android. How much the game has changed during this time and why it was not released immediately, – App2Top.ru I asked the Creative Mobile team.

UQSOFT: we have no goal to strangle the player until he pays

UQSOFT-u-nas-net-tseli-dushit-igroka-poka-on-ne-zaplatitOn May 14, UQSOFT officially introduced the Storm Age mobile game in Russia. App2Top.ru I asked the regional manager of the company about the project and whether they were afraid of a lawsuit from uCool.

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