
Releases of the day - Tuesday (03.03.2015)

The working week is in full swing, but this is not a reason to skip the latest releases. Today we are looking at Snowfall and FullBlast!.

Релизы дня


App-StoreA special runner about a spy snowboarder, reminiscent of Alto in gameplay, which was also about snow and performing feints in the air. He doesn’t pretend to be anything serious, but he’s great as a time killer.

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App-StoreGoogle-PlayA good example of how to make scroll shooters is not worth it. One of the most striking mistakes is the presence of the game area behind the visible screen. Because of it, some of the enemy charges often come literally out of nowhere for the player. The second point is that in the event of an enemy projectile hitting the player’s ship, and with it the game screen twitches so that the user loses orientation in space.

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