The Koreans combined the film with a mobile game
The Korean company SYOBE Creative has released an interactive mobile movie called RAGE. Local pop music and film stars took part in its creation. This is the first game of its kind on the Korean — and global -market.
The genre of the film-game is a mystical thriller. At key points in the plot, the user can influence him: swaps to control the movement of the motorcycle, taps to help the hero avoid a collision. In addition, there are combat scenes in the title, where the gameplay resembles Dance Dance Revolution — the player needs to press the buttons in a certain sequence so that the hero wins the fight.
An interactive mobile movie game is a logical continuation of projects that use stars as a brand. In this situation, the most important thing is to choose the right celebrity, because the success of the project largely depends on her. For example, the sensational game about Kim Kardashian owes its popularity to a socialite, but a similar project involving Lindsay Lohan failed to “shoot”.
The Android game can be downloaded here. It costs 315.12 rubles. In the App Store, its cost is $0.99.
Other materials on the topic:
- Kim Kardashian Gameplay Analysis: Hollywood
- A game with actress Lindsay Lohan in the title role was released
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