The world release of Sim City BuildIt took place
The Sim City BuildIt game is officially released on iOS and Android.
The construction simulator from Electronic Arts is a reimagined SimCity for mobile devices. It has recognizable elements of the original game, that is, the division of city districts by specialization, zones, roads, but the gameplay, as promised by the developers, is adapted for mobile.
The game has been waiting for almost three months: Electronic Arts announced it back in September. At the end of October, a trial launch of the game took place in Canada.
Other materials on the topic:
- SimCity BuildIt softlatch took place in Canada
- The authors of SimCity BuildIt hope to avoid the mistakes of mobile Dungeon Keeper
Electronic Arts is one of the largest Western gaming companies with a turnover of $3.58 billion and about 9.5 thousand employees (as of 2014). Owns studios such as Bioware, Maxis, Chillingo, PopCap and many others.