
Releases of the day - Thursday (11.12.2014)

There’s usually a lot of decent stuff coming out on Thursday. We liked today, however, only three projects: “Marvel: Battle of Champions”, Seabeard and Epic Fall.

Marvel: Battle of the ChampionsMobile Injustice has a worthy competitor with heroes from the Marvel universe.

As a bonus, there are: an absolutely delusional plot, locations familiar to comic book fans and next-gen graphics without five minutes.


You can download the iOS version of the game here.Seabeard

The London-based HandCircus project is unique, but it would hardly have been born if not for Oceanhorn and Animal Crossing.

Seabeard is a meditative role-playing adventure in a moderately friendly world – with small quests, trips from island to island, tinkering with beds and battles with monsters. 

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You can download the iOS version of the game here.Epic Fall

A cute project about a character very reminiscent of Indiana Jones falling into the abyss.

The player’s task is to shoot a revolver at obstacles in front of Indiana. Each shot due to recoil changes the position of the hero in the abyss, and since a number of objects that threaten the gamer cannot be destroyed, shooting has to be used, among other things, as a maneuvering tool.

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You can download the iOS version of the game here.

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