Original toasts
The time of New Year’s corporate parties and holidays is approaching. The new iOS app “Original Toasts” will help you shine in the spotlight https://itunes.apple.com/ua/app/original-nye-tosty/id775828497
An original toast, pronounced with feeling at the right time, is able to highlight you vividly in the assembled company.
Banal wishes of “health-happiness” will not surprise anyone anymore. After all, it is much more pleasant for a woman to hear a wish about a generous man, romantic dates and the admiration of others; for a man – about a new Bentley and an apartment in the center, about fiery passion and the audacity to win.
We present an exclusive collection of about 1000 toasts, where most of them are copyrighted. The toasts used parables, anecdotes, jokes, sayings, poems and pearls of thought of famous people. Do you want to make a decent impression on your business partner with a quote from Steve Jobs? Is it nice to surprise your friends with the sparkling humor of Faina Ranevskaya? To touch the depths of the heart with the sincerity of Omar Khayyam and Coco Chanel?..
Subtle connoisseurs of beauty, everything is collected here for you!