Black Cat led Colopl to a capitalization of $3.4 billion
The Tokyo-based company Colopl recently celebrated two achievements. Firstly, the firm managed to overtake DeNA in terms of market capitalization, reaching an estimate of $3.4 billion. Secondly, it has increased the base of the Wizard & Wiz the Black Cat role-playing game to 10 million people, as analyst Serkan Toto writes in his blog.
Colopl’s market successes are of particular interest. For comparison, the social giant GREE boasts a value of $1.9 billion, and DeNA – $ 3 billion. At the same time, Colopl has a market capitalization approaching $3.5 billion, while GREE and DeNA have much more users (40 and 50 million, respectively). Some investors familiar with the Japanese social and mobile gaming market believe that Colopl could be the next GungHo.
The reason for such rapid growth of cost Colopl is the phenomenal success of her project Wizard & Wiz the Black Cat (クイズRPG 魔法使いと黒猫のウィズ). The mix of quiz and RPG appealed to the Japanese. More than 10 million residents of the country play in this project. In addition, the game is available in the West and in South Korea.
Colopl launched a new RPG in March 2013 on Android, and in April released a version for iOS. By August, the game managed to gather about 3 million people. At the same time, Colopl began advertising the project on television. By October 4, the entertainment had been downloaded more than 8 million times.
Recently it became known that The Black Cat has more than 10 million users. Given the dynamics, there is every reason to believe that Wizard & Wiz the Black Cat can claim the laurels of Puzzle & Dragons, which currently remains the most popular mobile game in Japan (20 million users).