
China accounts for a quarter of all smartphones and tablets on iOS and Android

China is currently the leader in the number of active iOS and Android devices in the world. Its growth rates are still at a very high level. In this regard, as well as with the conference, China Joy Flurry shared data on the mobile market of China.

So, as of June this year, Flurry Analytics counted more than 261 million smartphones and tablets in China. This is almost a quarter (24%) of all active devices in the world. As you can see from the graph below, until mid-2011, the growth rate of the Chinese market seriously lagged behind the world, but at the end of the eleventh, rapid growth began. And for a short time it developed even more actively than the world.

Chinese users spend most of their time playing games. It would seem that nothing is surprising – with one small exception. Chinese owners of iOS gadgets use the application from the Books, Newsstand, Utility and Productivity categories much more actively than in the rest of the world (1.8, 1.7, 2.3 and 2.1 times, respectively). Moreover, Chinese Android Vedas spend 7.4 times more time on financial applications and 1.7 times more on entertainment.

The interest of Celestial Empire users in non-gaming applications, according to Flurry analysts, may well lead to the emergence of innovative solutions in this segment on the local market, which then, due to their exclusivity, will make their way to the Western market for Chinese developers.

A source: http://blog.flurry.com

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