Have you signed up to be a child prodigy?
On April 16, the Apple App Store content store published a children's educational application for the iOS platform - the "Child Prodigy from Diapers" Card.
iPhone and iPad users will be able to evaluate this product: for each of the devices, the developers of Ebola Communications digital agency have thought out their own version.
iPhon version https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kartocki-vunderkind-s-pelenok/id621493620?l=ru&ls=1&mt=8
iPad version https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kartocki-vunderkind-s-pelenok/id621501168 ?l=ru&ls=1&mt=8
The audience of the "Child Prodigy from diapers" is children aged 0.5 to 8 years old. The application is a series of voiced flashcards and educational games. Thanks to the successful combination of stylish design, bright, visual images and the most accessible presentation of interesting facts, it is able to captivate kids of different ages, character and temperament for a long time.
The "Child Prodigy from the Cradle" cards are based on Glen Doman's famous early development technique. More than half a century ago, an American neurosurgeon proved that children's education should begin at birth. Because the younger the age, the more information the child is able to absorb. Kids enthusiastically look at cards with fruits, animals, flowers, words, perceiving their display as an exciting game.
5 minutes of lessons a day is enough to form a child's photographic memory. As a result, the baby develops much faster than his peers and discovers the world of encyclopedic knowledge from birth.
The application "Child Prodigy from the cradle" consists of a whole series of cards on a wide variety of topics: birds, animals, professions, vegetables, sports, dog breeds and many others. Each theme offers the child twenty voiced colorful cards. For very young kids, a simple picture display mode is suitable. Older children will be interested in the interesting facts that accompany the cards. At the end of each show, the geeks are offered three exciting tasks on a given topic: "pick up a picture", "pick up a signature", "memo game".
There are a total of 20 thematic sets of 20 cards in the application. Initially, three free thematic sets are available to the user, the rest can be purchased.
It has been proven that viewing bright, colorful cards:
— gives the child new knowledge about the world around him;
— develops intelligence and memory;
— teaches reading, shape, counting, color;
— offers to get acquainted with various sports, transport, professions, space, musical instruments, nature, animals and plants.
It is easy, fun and interesting – this principle is the basis of the application "Child Prodigy from the cradle". With him, your little one will have no time to be bored!