Fishing Joy earns $6.28 million a month in China
The authors of Fishing Joy from Chukong claim that you can earn a lot of money in the Chinese market. However, the developers are silent about how exactly they do it.
We all know that the Chinese mobile app market is growing rapidly. However, the news from Chukong is hard not to call unexpected. The company claims that it earns about $6.28 million a month from Fishing Joy games. Most of this amount is accounted for by China. In October, the company claimed that it earns significantly less on the franchise – $ 1.6 million per month.
The total DAU of the first and second parts of Fishing Joy is 10 million, the number of their downloads has grown to 120 million.
Chukong (one of CocoaChina’s companies) explains such impressive dynamics with the transparency of the Chinese mobile application market and a number of improvements related to distribution and monetization methods.
Recall that it is considered very difficult to make money on mobile applications in China: the market is extremely fragmented, most of the population does not have credit cards, and the level of piracy is very high.
With an eye on Chukong, we can assume that just not everyone knows how to work properly in this market. Unlike most others, it requires not only special treatment in terms of content, but also in terms of distribution.