Samsung tablets are more popular in Russia than iPads
Apple is losing not only the American, but also the Russian tablet market. This can be judged by the results of a study by the analytical company GfK, which was presented by the newspaper Vedomosti.
A week ago we wrote that over the past year, the Apple company has lost more than a quarter of the tablet device market in the United States. If in 2011 81% of American device users had an iPad, by this year the number of such devices has decreased to 52%.
Apparently, a similar situation is developing in the Russian market. GfK experts claim that Apple’s “tablets”, which initially occupied a dominant role in our market, turned out to be only 26.8% in August.
Only if in the USA the main competitor of the iPad is Amazon’s Kindle Fire, then in Russia devices under the Galaxy Tab brand act as its rival. They accounted for as much as 28% of the market in August. Thus, Samsung has become the most popular manufacturer of such devices in Russia. The remaining 45.2% was divided among smaller producers.
According to Vedomosti, in the largest Russian networks distributing mobile devices – Svyaznoy, MTS and Euroset – Samsung overtook Kupertinovites in tablet sales back in July. The reason is a wider range of models and, on average, lower prices for devices.
According to representatives of the Korean company, Samsung’s share in the Russian tablet market more than doubled in Russia in 2012.