12 Android devices are activated per second
Introducing a new version of Android at Google I/O, Google has shared the latest statistics about its platform.
400 million Android devices were activated according to the results of the first quarter of 2012. For comparison, a year ago this figure was only 100 million devices.
Again, a year ago, about 400 thousand devices were activated per day, now more than 1 million are activated. That’s about 12 new devices per second.
Google Play currently has more than 600 thousand applications that have been downloaded about 20 billion times by users around the world.
By the way, about this very world. To be more precise, free download applications are available in 190 countries, and paid applications have been purchased in 132 countries over the entire existence of the platform. Yes, just a year after enabling IAP support, it is present in 50% of the applications available in the store.
Read about the new version of Android tomorrow morning in our detailed material.