
Apple has almost 25 billion downloads

The other day, Apple announced that the number of downloads from the App Store has come close to the mark of 25 billion.

About when exactly the momentous event will happen, it remains only to guess. The download counter that Kupertinovtsy posted on their website is still far from the cherished figure at the moment. Nevertheless, it is already clear that there is not long to wait.
The last time Apple “bragged” about downloads was on December 12 last year. Then she had 18 billion on the “counter”. It turns out that in a little more than two months, the company has gained about 7 billion downloads. This is a fantastic amount, even taking into account the Christmas season, which, apparently, accounted for most of the downloads. 
The main competitor of the “apple” company has not so impressive results at the moment. At the end of January this year, Google announced that the number of downloads from the Android Market had exceeded the 11 billion bar. This is most likely without taking into account third-party markets, but still, the figure is not so impressive.
Finally, let’s go back to Apple. The one whose download will be 25 billion will get an App Store gift card worth ten thousand dollars,” the company promised. A good incentive to speed up the number of downloads.  
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