BlackBerry Developer Revenue and the future of RIM
According to Evans Data Corp, 13% of BlackBerry developers earn more than $100,000 on apps – in their own words, this is significantly more than what they receive from their iOS and Android apps.
I must say, the figures seem clearly overstated, because a simple count of users downloading apps from the Apple App Store, Android Market and AppWorld (RIM’s store) suggests completely different thoughts. Nevertheless, it can also benefit developers, because the competition in AppWorld is much lower, and the audience is more solvent. In addition, 13% is far from everything, and it is well known that there are always individual companies that earn more than the “arithmetic average”.
Is RIM doing so well?There are rumors that the Canadian smartphone manufacturer is going to buy one of the largest mobile operators Vodafon.
After the British newspaper The Independent published an article with this news, RIM’s stock price rose by 12% in one day.
This is the biggest gain in RIM’s stock price in the last couple of years. Over the past year, the company has lost over 60% of its market value. This is due to the delay in the release of new products and very low demand for PlayBook tablets: so far, only 700,000 tablets have been delivered in six months since the release (while 9.25 million iPads were sold in the last quarter alone). Besides, you must agree, there is a big difference between “delivered” and “sold”.
Perhaps, after the acquisition of RIM by one of the leading mobile operators and the possibility of subscription purchase of devices, things will go much better for the Canadian company. Although, analysts agree that this is too good to be true.