
iOS or Android – which platform should I write applications for?

Baird Research conducted a survey in which 250 developers participated. 71% of respondents are developing for Android, and 62% are creating applications for Apple iOS.

iOS turned out to be the leader in terms of such parameters as ease of development, visibility of applications and profitability of creating programs. In second place in this rating was the Blackberry platform, while Android is content with third place.

The survey identified the following problems:

• Fragmentation of devices.

56% of Android developers said that the operating system works differently on different Android devices, and their number continues to grow.

• Fragmentation of the Android Market.

This forces developers to eventually opt for a more unified system, such as the App Store.


According to Steve Jobs, “unlike the Windows environment, where personal computers have the same interface, the Android system is very fragmented. Many manufacturers, including HTC and Motorola, install custom interfaces of their own design in order to differentiate themselves among other devices, and the user should understand all this.”

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