The entire editorial team at God is a Geek has resigned and severed connections with the alt-right founder
The editorial team of God is a Geek has collectively resigned following an incident where its founder, Calvin Robinson, emulated a Nazi salute. This recent controversy led to Robinson losing his role in the Angelican church and has had repercussions on the website linked to his name.
Although Robinson is reportedly not involved with the site's editorial functions currently, he is still identified as its proprietor. He stated on social media that he does not align himself with Nazi ideologies and described his gesture at the National Pro-Life summit as a parody directed at "hysterical liberals".
This evening, the editorial team released a statement announcing their decision to stop publishing on in response to Robinson’s behavior.
The editorial team expressed that despite years of striving to provide entertainment amidst the controversies involving their estranged owner, Robinson's lack of input over recent years can no longer be overlooked.
They emphasized their disapproval of Robinson’s political stance and actions.
The group, including Adam Cook, Mick Fraser, Chris White, Chris Hyde, and Lyle Pendle, conveyed that they had been operating independently in hopes of preserving their efforts, industry relationships, and access. However, they realized it was no longer viable to dissociate the site from Robinson.
Consequently, the team decided to resign immediately and focus on creating a new platform where their work would continue without any ties to Robinson. They acknowledged the challenges of starting afresh but affirmed it as the right course of action.
GodisaGeek will cease to have any content from these team members. Their future endeavors aim to maintain fairness, inclusivity, and entertainment on a new website, and they hope to retain their audience support on this new journey.
The statement concluded, expressing their inability to apologize on behalf of Robinson and clarifying that their resignation clearly indicates their stance against his actions and beliefs.