
The Latino Representation in Gaming Coalition is advocating for increased transparency and greater representation in the gaming industry

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Image credit: Latinx in Gaming

A coalition named the Latino Representation in Gaming Coalition (LRGC) has been established by various organizations serving US Latinos.

The coalition emphasizes that 72% of US Hispanics aged 13 and above identify as gamers, and Latinos are 32% more inclined than other groups to view gaming as their primary entertainment source. As such, the message to the industry is to recognize, listen to, and value Latino influence.

The collaboration includes entities like the National Hispanic Media Coalition, Hispanic Heritage Foundation, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, MANA, Latinx in Gaming, Hispanic Association for Corporate Responsibility, Latino Corporate Directors Association, Estuardo Rodriguez, and Democratic Representative Joaquin Castro from Texas' 20th district. Their goal is to enhance transparency and representation of Latinos within the gaming industry.

The coalition aims to advocate for increased transparency, boost Latino presence in the gaming sector, improve content representation, support Latino creators, and foster an inclusive environment for Latinos interested in the industry.

Representative Joaquin Castro stated, "Video games have become as significant today as the media was in my youth."

He added that he has worked to enhance Latino representation across all American entertainment sectors, such as television and publishing. With Latino gamers significantly contributing to the video game's economic success, it is essential for their stories and voices to be adequately represented.

Brenda Victoria Castillo, head of the National Hispanic Media Coalition, shared, "As a Native and Latina woman and mother to a son who grew up gaming, this coalition has a personal significance for me."

She pointed out that gaming is now ubiquitous, particularly given how connected people are through phones. Given that Latine individuals engage with video games more frequently than other groups, it is crucial that the games they interact with reflect their community's positive narratives.

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