
VK Play statistics: more than 37 million player accounts and 120 million rubles of investment in developers

The VK Play team told us what the year 2023 was like for the platform. We have chosen the main figures.

  • The number of games in the VK Play catalog has exceeded 10 thousand.
  • The number of registered accounts is 37.2 million.
  • The number of developers is 2.5 thousand.
  • The number of streamers working with the platform is 25 thousand.
  • The number of stream viewers is 10 million.

The VK Play team devoted a separate block in statistics to the results of the VK Play Investments division. She said that during the year, Russian developers submitted more than 400 applications for investments. At least ten applications totaling 120 million rubles have already been approved. It is not specified which projects the company has invested in.

Recall that VK Play announced the launch of VK Play Investments in February 2023. Then it was reported that the company was ready to invest 300 million rubles in developers in 2023. In addition to money, she promised to provide special conditions for publishing games in VK Play and RuStore: additional advertising inventory, separate promotion conditions and other marketing assistance.

A source:

VK Play
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