Cons on all fronts. Ubisoft's indicators turned out to be less than last year's
The first fiscal quarter of 2024 for Ubisoft fell on April-June 2023. It turned out to be unsuccessful for the company.
In annual terms, both the company’s revenue and net receipts were less than those for the previous year (and those, in turn, were less than in 2021).
For the quarter, Ubisoft’s revenue amounted to €288.9 million (a fall of 9.2%). Net receipts reached €267.7 million (a drop of 8.7%, but significantly more than the projected €240 million).
Receipts from the back catalog (which now account for 92% of all French revenue) and net receipts from digital products also fell.
That’s just from the figures presented, it is unclear whether the quarter ended with a loss for the company or not. This will become known already at the end of the half-year, when Ubisoft will present a more detailed report.
By the end of the second quarter, the company plans that its net receipts will amount to € 350 million (for comparison, by the end of July-September 2022, they were at the level of €406 million).