The collectible card game in the Marvel universe has a strong mobile debut
On October 18, the release of the Marvel Snap collectible card mobile game took place. The project is significant by now in two things. First, its developers were at the origins of Hearthstone. Secondly, he showed a good start.
Let’s start with a little background. The game was developed by the Second Dinner team. Its CEO is Hamilton Chu. He was Blizzard’s top manager for more than 10 years, including three years in charge of Hearthstone. Accordingly, he recruited a large number of former colleagues to the team.
Marvel Snap is the studio’s first project. And it seems that this is a trial balloon for her. The game is a relatively minimalistic PvP project, where players simultaneously throw cards onto the field in a closed game. The strongest hand wins, respectively. The cards themselves cannot be collected. You get them randomly.
According to AppMagic, in the first week since the release, downloads of the game amounted to 5.3 million, and revenue reached the level of $ 2 million. While these figures cannot be called impressive, but I would like to hope that the developers will succeed. The game has been in softlonch since June of this year. Now she earns around $350 thousand a day.