SuperData: Overwatch earned more than $1 billion with IAP
In June, Overwatch’s revenue from in-game purchases (for all time) reached $1 billion. For the gaming market as a whole, the month also went well. According to SuperData, digital sales of games for the period increased by 2% year-on-year, amounting to $ 9.2 billion.
Some market segments are still sagging. Revenue from digital versions of games for consoles falls for the second month in a row. In June, it decreased by 2% in annual terms. One of the reasons is the ongoing decline in Fortnite indicators.
Things are even worse with digital PC games. The drop in revenue from them was 9%. Although a number of AAA companies were able to earn well in June due to large discounts. There was, for example, a surge in sales of The Sims 4 and NBA2K19, whose value the publishers lowered below $ 5.
At the same time, the mobile segment was able to recover from the May drop. It grew by 7% compared to June last year.
Also on the topic:
- SuperData: in May, digital game sales totaled $8.7 billion
- SuperData: in April, digital sales of games increased by 7%