
The developers shared examples of smart use of old assets in games

When creating a new game, developers often use already used developments, in particular, assets. Recently, developers on Twitter shared the most creative examples of asset reuse.

The selection collected by Kotaku has been translated App2Top.ru .

As it turned out, the developers manage to fit the old assets into the new game so successfully that they become invisible to the players. Sometimes this means that a previously used and slightly modified set of chairs, a sword or another object appears in the scene. Or the creators of the game skillfully use one graphic asset (for example, the texture of a tree) for a variety of objects — walls of houses, pillars, wheelbarrows, and so on. That’s exactly what the Origin Trail authors did.

Но иногда авторы создают игровые модели на основе других, совершенно неподходящих на первый взгляд.

К примеру, геймдизайнер Джессика Росс (Jessica Ross) должна была смоделировать человеческое сердце для неназванной игры. На это у нее не хватало времени, поэтому она «взяла изображение обычного багета, уменьшила его и выкрасила в красный цвет».

Лихо превращать одни предметы в другие умеют и создатели Warframe. Они использовали некоторые виды оружия (Tigris и Vectis) в качестве декора для кораблей.

But the most amazing example of using used assets, according to the author of the thread, game designer Xalavier Nelson Jr. (Xalavier Nelson Jr.) is one of the bosses in the online shooter Destiny from Bungie.

It turned out that the Aksis boss is actually a heavily modified “spider tank”, a vehicle from the same Destiny.

Boss Axis and the “spider Tank” in Destiny
A less complicated technique is the repeated use of “extras characters”.

So the developers of Final Fantasy 14 moved a number of models from Final Fantasy 10 and 11. And Telltale employees turned one of the Texas Hold’em characters into another for the same game, simply changing his name and adding a mustache.

Two characters of the game Telltale Texas Hold’em
Such tricks can save a lot of time and money.

But in some cases, finding a use for old assets is no easier than creating a new model from scratch, Nelson Jr. believes. And this approach, according to him, does not speak about the laziness of developers.

Reused assets are evidence of the developer's ingenuity, and not the desire to make his work easier.

Xalavier Nelson Jr.

Game Designer

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