Results of 2017: Alexey Trushkov from Playrix about the main thing for the year
Playrix brand evangelist Alexey Trushkov told how the outgoing year went for him.
Lelik TrushkovHow was 2017 for you?
It was an interesting and dynamic year. A year full of new acquaintances, challenges and interesting beginnings.
I got to know the regional game development more closely and was pleasantly surprised. Hospitable Rostov-on-Don, good-natured Novosibirsk, Petrozavodsk and other cities gather not just fans to chat about games, but build real professional communities. Separately, I would like to mention SGDN and say thank you for organizing meetups and a closed club – it was probably impossible not to write about it here.
I also remember the number of flights and business trips. I haven’t flown so often yet.
I would say it was a good year and would rate it 8 out of 10. It could have been 9, but I didn’t get to BlizzCon.
How was the year for the company?
For the company, 2017 was even more successful than the previous one. The company has achieved the ambitious goals that it had in front of it.
Our projects have gained a foothold in the top and conquered new peaks. Homescapes was added to the top three hits, which showed excellent results at the start and set the quality bar for our projects even higher. In addition, Homescapes has been nominated for Mobile Game Awards and other awards.
Our team has almost doubled in size over the year, but we have managed to maintain our culture and flexibility.
Not all of them fit
We have also opened new offices in Kaliningrad, Kiev, Kharkiv, Ivanovo, Voronezh, Yerevan, Rostov-on-Don and Alma-Ata, and the opening of 3 more offices in Russia is next.
What event of 2017 do you consider the most important for the industry?
First of all, this is the appearance of a third player in the console market – Nintendo marketers and developers managed to make everyone want Switch terribly.
It should also be noted the new iOS, iPhone X and the updated App Store, which gives new opportunities to game developers.
What trends of the outgoing year would you note?
I note that the crypto fever is actively penetrating the gaming industry. What is not there today! Inter-game crypto exchanges, blockchain clickers, marshmallow CCIs, casual ICOs and hardcore crypto tokens. There was even a crypto-blacksmith on DevGAMM!
As with VR last year, the topic of “crypts” constantly appears on meetups, on the sidelines and on social media feeds. There are no conferences anymore where a person would not approach you with the words: “Hi, I’m a crypto investor.”
There are really interesting projects and solutions that are backed by teams of professionals, and there are just attempts to make money on hype.
Name the third-party projects of this year that you liked the most.
PUBG, of course. Most likely, I won’t be alone if I single out this project from many other cool games.
I would put The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in second place by a small margin. This is the game that made me buy a new console.