The market value of CD Projekt was more than $1 billion
After the publication of the financial report for the first half of 2016, the capitalization of CD Projekt, which owns CD Projekt RED and , crossed the mark of $1 billion (4 billion zlotys).
For comparison, at the end of the second quarter, the company’s valuation was $680 million (2.6 billion zlotys).
As for the semi-annual report, according to it, in the first half of this year the company earned $83 million (318 million zlotys). $65 million (249 million zlotys) fell on CD Projekt RED, the authors of The Witcher, and another $18 million (69 million zlotys) – on .
CD Projekt RED’s revenues were significantly higher a year ago – by $65 million. The decline this year is quite understandable. The company did not have any new game releases this half-year. Income , in turn, increased by $1.5 million.
But the company’s cash has grown significantly. If a year ago the company had $42 million (164 million zlotys) on hand, this year it has $131 million (504 million zlotys).
Out of curiosity, you can also see in the report how well CD Projekt is able to make money on add-ons. Half of the amount earned by the company with The Witcher 3 in the first half of 2016 came from addons.
Income of The Witcher 3 (figures in Polish zloty)
I would also like to note that a solid share of sales with It comes from the games of The Witcher series.
Income (figures in Polish zloty)
Sources: , CD Projekt