
The main thing for the working week (10.05.2016 — 13.05.2016)

Which games were named the most popular for the entire existence of Google Play, who gets 94% of the revenue of the American App Store, why Odnoklassniki needs its own showcase with streams – in our weekly selection of the main materials of the week.


Subway Surfers is the most downloaded game on Google Play of all time

Subway-Surfers-samaya-skachivaemaya-igra-na-Google-Play-za-vse-vremya-780x400Which games were the most downloaded and the most profitable for the entire existence of Google Play, – the analytical company App Annie told in its latest research.

94% of the money of the American App Store earns 1% of publishers

94-protsenta-deneg-amerikanskogo-App-Store-zarabaty-vaet-1-protsent-izdatelejIn the first quarter of 2016, only 1% of publishers accounted for more than 90% of revenue from paid apps and IAP in the US App Store.

The median conversion from viewing the game page to downloads is 4.4%

Mediannaya-konversiya-s-prosmotra-stranitsy-igry-v-zagruzki-sostavlyaet-44-protsentaAmong all categories of mobile applications, games show the lowest median conversion from viewing the game page to downloads, as well as the largest discrepancy between the maximum and minimum values.

The State Duma proposed to introduce patents for streamers and their registry

Spravedlivaya-Rossiya-predlozhila-vvesti-patenty-dlya-strimerovThe State Duma of the Russian Federation proposed the introduction of patents for those who receive income from the placement of video content and video broadcasts on the Internet.

Odnoklassniki has launched its own gaming showcase with streams

Odnoklassniki-zapustili-sobstvennuyu-igrovuyu-vitrinu-so-strimamiA showcase for video game broadcasts has appeared on the Odnoklassniki social network.

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