The main thing for the week (9.11.2015 - 13.11.2015)
A comparative table of analytical tools, tips for level designers and not only – in our traditional digest for the past week.
Which analytical platform should I choose for the game?
The independent resource Develop compared different analytical platforms. Mobile analytics company DeltaDNA commented on this material. We share a retelling of the article.
Four useful tips for a level designer
The Gamasutra resource has published tips for level designers from Geoff Ellenor from Ubisoft Montréal. We share the translation.
We are mastering the genre of harmful advice. We translated an article from the Gamasutra resource, where they tell us how to ignore the testers’ reviews correctly.
EEDAR told ALL about the mobile games market
How much time players spend on mobile games per week, what is the average ARPPU in Japan and the USA, where players learn about new games, what makes them make purchases – the answers to these and not only questions were given by the research company EEDAR in its voluminous material.