Gametop: what do you need to know about casual gamers in Southeast Asia?
Where the most loyal players live in Southeast Asia and in which country almost all gamers are men, – said the expert of Gametop.
The company examined data on players from six countries: Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. For the analysis, the Gametop expert took the audience of the company’s own games, most of which are casual projects for PC and mobile.
It was found out that the most loyal gamers live in Vietnam. The ratio of the number of game launches to the number of downloads is highest there. The lowest rate is in Indonesia.
The Gametop expert studied the demographics of the audience in the six listed countries. It turned out that 88% of casual gamers in Singapore are men, and only 12% are women. The preponderance in favor of men is somehow observed in other countries, except Malaysia. There, female gamers make up 52% of the total number of players.
The “youngest” audience is in Vietnam. It is dominated by players aged 18 to 25 years.
Let’s add that the metrics for the study have been collected for several years to minimize the impact of seasonal holidays, sales, and so on.
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