The main thing for the working week (October 5 - 9)
A checklist about the promotion, a story about the passage of Greenlight, a case about the fight against Chinese gaming pirates and not only – in our traditional weekly selection of the best materials of the past working week.
Checklist for budget promotion of independent games from SOOMLA
Not so long ago, the Israeli company SOOMLA has prepared a detailed guide to the marketing of mobile indie games. We read the text and realized that we have not only a guide, but also a kind of checklist for budget promotion. We offer you a revised version of the material in Russian.
Message Quest: Passing Greenlight
The experience of passing Greenlight in the official blog of the Message Quest game was shared by its author and developer Maria Kravtsova. With the kind permission of Maria, we have published the material on our pages.
As part of our “Who’s Who” column, we talked with game designer Nikita Filatov about the Cloud Castle team and their first game project – the nonlinear adventure game Die With Glory.
Case: how to protect yourself from Chinese pirates?
The game of the Boston studio Oniix was copied by Chinese clone makers. The team shared their experience of dealing with them. We offer you a translation.