The main thing for the working week (27.07.2015 - 31.07.2015)
Have a good weekend to everyone, and we are summing up the results of the last working week only. So, there was a lot of news about the Russian gaming market (J’son & Partners Consulting, Newzoo and Mail.Ru Group). From must read – an article about how to create the right game level, as well as VK’s story about the future of their mobile gaming platform.
This is reported by the Newzoo research agency.
This is 24% more than in 2013, the company claims Mail.Ru Group in the official press release.
We bring to your attention one of the chapters of the book – “Working with the media” (on the day of the PR specialist, it seemed very relevant to us).
He told in his blog what composition laws you need to know in order to create beautiful game levels. We retell its text in a thesis.
Yesterday, the company announced the introduction of WG Labs, a laboratory for supervising external projects.
At the conference, he spoke about the future of the VKontakte mobile gaming platform. We also deciphered his answers to questions from the audience.
We asked market participants about what this initiative could lead to.
What if there is only $5 thousand for marketing?
Us on the developer wrote the other day: “how to promote an f2p game in the USA in the Google Play racing section with a budget of $5-6k?”. Based on this question, we had a more general query: what to do if the marketing budget of a mobile game is only $ 5-6 thousand? We addressed it to the experts.