
MYTONA has announced work on its own metaverse. Release — already this year

Companies with Russian roots have begun to look closely at the increasingly popular concept of metaverses. MYTONA announced its own metaverse project. Her unit in New Zealand has been working on it for two years.The Metaverse from MYTONA

This was announced on October 30 by Afanasy Ushnitsky, one of the founders of MYTONA, on his Facebook page.

According to him, the project should be released before the end of this year.


published message cannot be called a full-fledged announcement, since few details about the project are yet known. Ushnitsky himself calls it “very interesting and boundless” and promises to share details soon.

The post, as noted by Afanasy, was decided to write in the light of the latest news related to the rebranding of Facebook. Recall that during it, the company not only changed its name to Meta, but also announced that it would build its own metaverse.

The term “metaverse”/”metaverse” is now applied to platform games that actively work with user content, regularly introduce new mechanics (including social ones) and are ready to collaborate with real brands. Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite are usually cited as examples of successful metaverses


There is an opinion that the concept of metaverses is not limited to games. Some believe that their widespread distribution will change the way people interact with each other, giving them fundamentally new experiences and opportunities for work, entertainment, education and content consumption. You can read more about this concept in our material.

Now more and more companies are declaring their ambitions in this area and investing in metaverse and related projects. However, some oppose the concept. For example, John Hanke, founder and CEO of Niantic, called the metaverses a “dystopian nightmare.”

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