Mobile advertising brings Facebook more than $152 million a quarter
Facebook has published a financial report for the third quarter of this year, according to which 14% of the company’s revenue comes from mobile advertising.
According to experts, during the reporting period, mobile advertising was supposed to bring Facebook about $ 50 million, in fact, these 14% of the company’s total revenue amounted to three times more – $ 152 million.
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said: “I want to dispel the myth that Facebook is unable to make money on mobile apps. This could have been true six months ago, when we haven’t started doing this seriously yet, but not now.”
Facebook CFO David Ebersman, in his interview with the Financial Times, noted that only advertising in users’ news feeds (the company added this feature to the list of advertising services last week) brings in $3 million daily.
According to Forrester Research analyst Nate Elliott, such high advertising effectiveness is temporary. Moreover, the company will have to limit it in the future so as not to scare off users with advertising content.
The company’s revenue for the third quarter increased by 32% to $1.26 billion with a forecast of $1.22 billion. As a result, after the publication of the quarterly financial report, the company’s shares increased by the same symbolic 14% to $22.19 per share.