Apex Legends breaks its Steam record, peaking at 511k concurrent players
Apex Legends has reached another milestone after the Season 14 launch. Respawn Entertainment’s battle royale broke its previous record for peak concurrent players by almost 100k users.
- Season 14 went live on August 9, attracting hundreds of thousands of fans. The next day 511,676 people were playing Apex Legends simultaneously on (via SteamDB).
- This might be the biggest spike in concurrent players since the game’s Steam launch on November 4, 2020.
- The previous record was set in April, when Apex Legends peaked at 412,556 concurrent players.
- In May, the game reached $2 billion in lifetime revenue, becoming one of the main drivers of Electronic Arts’ live services growth. The title’s bookings increased by 40% year-over-year.
- The publisher also recently launched Apex Legends Mobile, which generated over $13 million on iOS and Android in the first month since its launch.