
Gamedev's expenses for TV advertising of games in the USA amounted to $319.6 million in 2019

In incomplete 2019, the industry spent $319.6 million on gaming advertising on American television. In annual terms, the indicator fell by almost 15%.

Gears 5
Data on game advertising impressions on TV was provided by the portal iSpot.tv .

According to them, in January — November 2019, the number of ordered broadcasts advertising gaming products fell by 28%. The number of views of such ads also decreased — by 16%.

How much did console owners spend on advertising?

  • Sony has the highest TV advertising costs. It took her $108.5 million to promote the PlayStation brand. Most often, viewers saw ads for the PlayStation Now service. Two thousand of its broadcasts cost the company $18.8 million. As a result, the ad collected 754.5 million views.
  • Xbox had $100 million spent on TV advertising during the same time. It cost her 232% more than in 2018. Xbox has become the leader in game advertising views: 4.8 billion impressions in 11 months — an increase of 186% year-on-year.
  • Let’s add that the most popular Xbox was a TV commercial dedicated to Gears 5. It was launched in early September, and since then it has gained more than 1 billion views. Xbox spent $22.7 million on its display alone, which is the cost of almost 3,000 broadcasts. When watching Gears 5 ads, viewers were 41% less likely to switch the channel (compared to any other game advertising).
  • Nintendo has spent $46 million on TV advertising of its products. Its result is 3.07 billion views.

A separate item is the display of game advertising during broadcasts of sporting events. In general, their number has grown. The increase was shown by advertising during broadcasts of the NFL football (by 27%), the NBA basketball (by 15.59%), the SportsCenter program (by 8%) and the student football league (by 0.44%). In total, these programs accounted for 4.6 billion screenings of game clips.

We should add that the gaming industry invested the largest amount — $61.2 million — in advertising during the broadcast of the NFL Football League among other sports programs.

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