
"Unrealistic Demands": Russian Companies Urge Revisions to the Proposed Bill on Gaming Industry Regulation

A group of Russian companies has submitted their proposals to the State Duma of the Russian Federation regarding what should be amended in the bill that regulates the gaming industry in the country. In their opinion, a significant portion of the requirements needs to be changed.

Among the authors of the proposals are game associations APRIORI and AII, which include companies like VK, Astrum Entertainment, and Innova. Input was also provided by MTS and the law firm "EBR."

The bill has many amendments. The document reviewed by the App2Top editorial team is 40 pages long.

Here are the main proposals:

  • change a number of terms and even the title of the bill to avoid "harmful" analogies with gambling;
  • remove the requirements obligating game distribution services to always maintain access to projects. As noted by the document authors, compliance is impossible. Hacker attacks, technical problems, and even simple game patches can lead to disruptions;
  • make the labeling mechanism more flexible. For instance, it's necessary to "synchronize" the proposed descriptors with foreign ratings like PEGI and ESRB to avoid forcing foreign companies to relabel content;
  • create a special commission for video game expertise instead of entrusting it to accredited experts. The commission should include representatives from gaming companies. Additionally, developers should be allowed to appeal expert decisions in a pre-trial manner;
  • make the requirement for the authorization of Russian players mandatory only for companies with legal entities in Russia and entrepreneurs who are Russian citizens;
  • retain IT tax benefits for gaming companies.

Previously, the company "Buka" also prepared their comments on the bill. More about their proposals can be read in this material.

List of Amendments
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Press Release
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