Apple and Epic Games has filed a new appeal against the decision of the court in the proceedings between them
Neither Applenor Epic Games did not suit made in April, the decision of the court of Appeal in the United States. Both companies filed a new appeal.
Recall that the appellate court did not cancel the previous decision in the case. According to him, Apple did not violate antitrust laws of the United States, forbidding him to release a third-party app stores on iOS. However, the company must allow developers to add apps links that allow you to pay for purchases through the payment system Apple.
In his complaint, Apple said that its policy was unfair, and, on the contrary, contributes to the development of competition. She also believes that the court’s decision will harm the security of user data.
In turn, Epic Games argues that the court has not thoroughly checked, if the actions of Apple’s best devices of the company.