Iconicfuture acquired Virtual Greats
Using brands in apps is a double–edged sword. Moreover, both for developers and for holders of a particular franchise.
If we talk about developers, then for them the situation is this way. When using a popular brand, they increase the awareness of their project, but at the same time sacrifice its individuality, and also often have to pay a lot of money for the right to use the brand, which can easily not be repulsed in the mobile market. This is not to mention the paperwork.
For brands, working with developers also has its risks. The presence of their names in mobile products increases brand loyalty, but if the project is of poor quality, the perception of the brand may worsen.
Complicating the situation is the fact that brands, despite their great desire to be present in the mobile market, do not understand it well. Therefore, they are still behaving cautiously, although they themselves are ready to invest a lot of money in it (this is directly related to the boom of companies offering to create a branded application or service on order).
To solve some of these problems, Iconicfuture created a platform of the same name a few years ago. Developers can use it to find the rights they need as quickly as possible and conclude a contract for their use as quickly as possible.
Brand owners using the service, in turn, can easily track projects using their rights.
What’s all this about?
The fact is that the other day it became known about the acquisition of Iconicfuture by Virtual Greats, the owner of a whole package of rights, including to the products of Universal Films and Warner Brothers Television.
In theory, this means that it is now much easier to get a license to use a particular movie in a mobile game.
A source: venturebeat.com