The average salary of a programmer in Russia is $2600
In 2013, the average salary of Russian programmers was $2,645 (80 thousand rubles). This is the conclusion reached by the employees of the Russoft Association. The average growth was 15%.
For comparison, salaries increased by 7-8% in 2012. 2011 was more profitable for Russian developers – then the salary increased by 18%.
The Russoft report is based on data from 70 companies that employ a total of 17 thousand employees. Hay Group also conducted an analysis of programmers’ salaries (12593 employees). Analysts have found that salaries in the field of information technology are growing faster than the average in Russia. Software developers for iOS and Android devices receive especially well.
Java and C++ developers earn the most. Their average monthly salary is 106.5 thousand rubles. The head of a small team of 10 people in Moscow receives 155 thousand rubles. The same work in Novosibirsk is paid almost 40 thousand less. In the regions, salaries are 60% of Moscow’s. Therefore, many companies are trying to open more offices in large cities (Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara) and reduce costs.
Next year, programmers’ salaries may increase by 9%.
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